A litte bit of life

A litte bit of life

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Random thoughts....

So I went to Starbucks the other day with Christina (and the girls) to talk and catch up.  Much needed girl time.  As we were in Starbucks enjoying our iced coffee a family of four comes in.  They were all dressed up in clothing that showed they were clearly not american but that they had come from something formal. It was a Dad, Mom, and two boys.  The two boys wore clothing that draped to their feet and the parents did as well. 

As they order their coffee one of the little boys loses it (I'm guessing he was about five so pretty old to throw such a tantrum).  He begins crying incredibly loud and would not stop.  The Dad begins to loudly yell at the wife (not in English) and she quietly sits their and doesn't say a word.  After much yelling he throws the pastries on the table, walks outside, and sits at a table leaving her to deal with them.  The little boy still loudly crying through all of this.  At one point, a Starbucks worker tries to give the little boy something to quiet him down but it was rejected. 

I felt sooo bad for this women.  To be yelled at in front of everyone and left to take care of the upset child by herself.  It did make me realize a few things....one....I would be murdered in their culture in a heart beat with my mouthy self.... two..I drink WAY too much iced coffee....and three.... how thankful I am that the bible teaches husbands to be gentle servants to their family. 

Macon would NEVER yell at me in public like that and is always so helpful with the girls.  I am so thankful that he loves the Lord and serves us girls daily.  I mean seriously....Emma wants basically nothing to do with me because she LOVES her daddy's attention that he gives her non-stop.  Made me thankful for my husband and the example Jesus gave us to love one another with compassion and gentleness.

Update on the girls....

Emma had a doctor appointment yesterday to get her shots updated for school (starts next Wednesday....AHHHH)    As the doctor was talking Emma randomly says "Excuse me"  the doctor stops and responds "Why yes?" Emma replies: "Oh I didn't need to talk, I just tooted". Ha!  Gross I know, but Macon and I couldn't help but laugh.

Rylee is still in her terrible two's stage (I have a feeling it WILL last much longer then two).  This girl is strong willed. I Spent about fifteen minutes with her in time out and told her she couldn't get up until she said "I'll behave".....I mean for a two year old to hold out for fifteen minutes just so she doesn't have to obey shows her stubbornness. 

She is talking a ton and starting to say all the silly things children say when they began to talk.  It is very cute.

Another Exciting thing that happened last weekend was that my sweet niece was born.  Rylee for some reason kept saying new sister....she'll get it down one day.

Now time for a weekend of relaxing and spending time with friends and family