A litte bit of life

A litte bit of life

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

"A Baby Changes Everything"

On the new Johnson&Johnson commercials it ends with a statement that says "A baby changes everything".  I have actually been thinking about this exact same thing recently before I ever even saw the commercial.  EVERYTHING is different with kids.  For example: alone time.  Macon always knows I'm at my breaking point when he hears the bath running.  Its my way of getting away for just thirty minutes, taking a deep breath, and convincing myself that drowning is not an option.  Just about every-time I'm in there Emma come rushing in "I HAVE TO PEE I HAVE TO PEE" then once she is finished she begs me for about ten minutes if she can get in.  I of course say no and then Macon typically comes and gets her out.  Of course a few minutes after that Rylee sneaks in.  She always walks in and stairs at me, sticks her hand in the water and says "you cold?" I respond "No Rylee, get out this is mommy time".  She usually looks me up and down and then says "you wash yo boobies?" This always makes me laugh but it shows you cant even get away for a few deep breaths.  

A LOT has happened in the past few weeks.  We have traveled a ton!!! We ended up taking a trip to Oklahoma because my sweet grandmother (mamo) passed away.  It was heart breaking trying to explain death to a 4 year old.  She couldn't understand why she didn't get to say bye before Mamo passed.  It was also at times entertaining watching the girls try and wrap the concept of death around their little minds.  We do love going to Oklahoma because we always have such a great time staying with my Uncle Lee and Aunt Jetta.  It feels like a second home and we always enjoy the time with them.  One night after we left my grandmothers house and was headed back to my Aunt's house Emma began to tear up.  I knew at this point she was more emotional because she was tired then the actual death. I ask her "Emma, what is wrong?"  She tearfully responds "I miss Mamo" about that same time Rylee begins to tear up and sniffle and so I then say "Well whats wrong with you Rylee?"  She sweetly responds "I just miss Aunt Jetta" Emma then responds "Aunt Jettta's not DEAD!!"  We both started cracking up.  

Later when we got back we begin having conversations about heaven. We were eating dinner and talking about what it will be like to eat with Jesus in heaven. Emma says " Maybe when we get to heaven god will say (she makes a deep voice) you were bad, and I took your punishment" We both begin to laugh and  she then responds "but Jesus probably wont talk like a monster" 

After we got home from Oklahoma I did not have much time to make really good Halloween costumes.  Emma mentioned she wanted to be a Ninja so I took that and made her just about the cheapest looking Halloween costume.  We didn't get a chance to take them out on Halloween night since we had just gotten back in town.  We took them out the next night in their costumes and had "Family Halloween Party Night"  this basically consisted of dressing up and going for ice cream.  We thought it was so funny how we made Rylee the princess and Emma the ninja because knowing there personalities, it probably should have been switched.  Emma stayed in Ninja character ALL night and Rylee....well she was Rylee.  She walked around in her princess dress walking like a man and spitting huge spit wads on the side walk whenever she got the chance.  

On another night this week I asked Emma what she wanted for dinner.  She responds "I will take a bowl of Cheerios and a side of chips, oh and I want to wear my sassy dress"  We agree to let her have her sassy dress and also gave her cheerios for dinner (minus the chips).  After dinner she was getting ready for bed so I told her to go brush her teeth.  She later comes back in the room and swaying her hips from side to side about as big as she can (still wearing the "sassy" dress).  I drop my glasses and just give her a look, she then whispers "Inappropriate??"  while shaking her head yes.  I knew I didn't even need to tell her.

Here are some pics of the girls in their Halloween Costumes, Emma eating her cereal in her sassy dress, and one from Aunt Mal Mal's wedding where the girls were flower girls....