A litte bit of life

A litte bit of life

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Well this will be another random blog.  Not a lot is going on in The Hatton home except for everyday life. Rylee is potty training (which is gross) and Emma is loving school.  She will be an angel in her school play next week.  She only has one line but I am strongly trying to convince her to say her line with a British accent.  We will see what she does.

Like I stated before, this will be random.  Below are the goofy things the girls have done over the past few weeks:

I made some homemade chicken noodle soup. It takes Emma about ten years to finish (like always because she is talking so dang much).  Macon and I finish so we get tired of waiting on her and finally leave the table.  Emma gets upset and yells "Don't leave me with that baby!!!" (obviously talking about Rylee).  So Rylee then finishes and gets up.  Rylee mentions that she thinks she needs to pee but too not sure.  Rylee ends up peeing (which surprises herself) and comes out of the bathroom all excited.  We start clapping and telling her what a good job she did. Emma gets mad and says "Your not cheering for me?!"  So Emma finishes eating and puts her dish in the sink.  Macon and I then say GOOOOOOO EMMA and begin to clap at the same time. We thought she would stop being so jealous now that we cheered for her too.  She turns off the sink and in anger yells "Your not really cheering for me, your faking!!" Macon laughs and replies: "Well what do you want?!" She replies "I don't know, maybe that Barbie I want at the store"

On another random day we are driving down the road and the weather was beautiful.  Macon decides to roll down the window and right as he does Emma says: "Good thing you rolled that down cause I just tooted".  She is an incredibly gassy kid....and I think that is an understatement. 

Macon has had a lot of time off lately.  He went to put Rylee down for a nap one afternoon and does the same ol routine we always do.  After praying with her, he kisses her, and shuts the door.  At about 4:00 he realizes its time to wake her up.  He goes in her room and she is still asleep in her bed.  Before he wakes her up he notices she was wearing different clothes.  He then looks around and sees that there is baby powder EVERYWHERE.  Apparently after he walked out of the room - she crawled out of her bed, poured baby powder all over the carpet and dressers, put on about six layers of clothes, then crawled back in her crib and went to bed.  I have no idea how this girl got six pairs of pants on and about five shirts, and then slept in all those clothes on top of that.

Emma Comments:

  • "I met a new girl at church today, she was really cool like me"

    "I've got two favorite songs, I like them more then ANYTHING else, oh...except for you, Daddy, and Jesus.....are Glorious Day and Only the Blood"

    Emma has been debating with her friend Logan about "who is the coolest kid ever" . His argument is that he's a boy so he automatically wins. After he left our place Emma and I were cleaning her room. She insists that she has to wear this shirt to prove she is in fact the coolest kid ever. I explain to her that clothes do not make you cool....she responds "I know mom....but that IS a really cool shirt" I knew my speech went in one ear and out the other

    .....aannnddddd as I am typing this post Emma is explaining to Rylee that they have to hurry in get to bed because they have to wake up early.  Rylee's response: spit toothpaste all over Emma.  Great

RANDOM PICS: (I even may have posted some of these already)