A litte bit of life

A litte bit of life

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Happy Anniversary

It has been a REALLY long time since I have blogged.  I have fallen off a bit so I'll probably spend this blog updating about our anniversary and the next one with all the funny things the girls have said in the past few months (most of which were posted to Facebook).

We have officially made it six years.  At times it has been good and at times it has been bad.  We have had our ups and downs but we are here and happy to be here. Wouldn't trade it for the world.

This year I thought it would be fun to surprise Macon with a date.  Everyone (including myself) always expects the guys to do something, but hey, us women are just as much in this marriage.

We spent the night eating Mexican food, hanging out at our favorite Starbucks, and playing Scrabble.  (I kicked his butt).

Today is our actual anniversary and I worked all day and Macon and the girls had church.  The highlight of my day was when they dressed up as "delivery men" and surprised me with flowers.  When they walked in, I couldn't help but laugh.   At first I didn't even notice the girls because I couldn't stop staring at Macon's mustache and was wondering why the heck he would grow that out knowing I HATE it.  Once I saw the girls, I couldn't help but laugh.  Emma was immediately upset that I recognized her. She really was convinced that they had her fooled

"Bill" and "Ted" did make the cutest "delivery men" I've ever seen.  They even tried to talk in a deep voice the whole time.  Not to mention, the absolute prettiest flowers I've ever seen.

Beautiful huh?! 

Then after work/church Emma was convinced she had to make us a "romantic" dinner.  She creates a picnic in our reading room.  Candle, dim lights, and music.  She "makes" us gold fish, a banana, an orange, one graham cracker, and old stale carmel popcorn.  She was SO excited so we sat there and ate every bite.  It was very thoughtful, and gross.

A lot has happened in the past 6-8 months.  We moved to a crappy little rent house that we are enjoying, Emma starts school this month (NOOO), and Macon has started working at a church.  He has also started up back in flight school and I am working my life away.  God is good.

Here are a few quotes from the girls in the past few months:

Rylee and Emma laying in bed talking and giggling.  
Rylee: "Wanna know whats funny?  When I was a grown up..."
Emma interrupts: "Ryleeeee, you were never a grown up." 

Me: "Emma: Where do you wanna go for vacation?"
Emma: "Galveston, London, New York City, and then Italy.  Ohhh....and Australia, I almost forgot about Australia."

Me: "Emma, what are you thankful for from today?"
Emma: "The cool breeze blowing through my hair."
(What is she talking about?!)

and last...which I posted on Facebook.
Emma: "Mom, does this cereal have weed in it?"
Me: "What?!"
Emma: "Weed, in the cereal?"
Me: "Like weeds from outside."
Emma: "No, I heard this cereal has weed in it"
Me: "I'm not sure what your talking about." (started to get worried)
Emma : "The tv said it was full of weed"
Me: "Oh, wheat, its wheat Emma"

Annddd.....one last picture: