A litte bit of life

A litte bit of life

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Tis the Season

It's that time again.  Beautiful lights, tacky sweaters, and many pounds to be gained.  Just like any other child in America, our kids are so excited about Christmas.  This year we are doing things  a bit different and will most likely stick with this new plan.  First off, our kids do not believe in Santa.  Ok...go on with your huge gasp and think of us as one of those super religious families who are robbing our children of something magical.  Done yet?  Good...keep reading.  We could care less if other parents teach their children about Santa, but we have just kind of made him a fun fictional character.  We will still do cookies for Santa, and all that, but they know it is for fun.
This year we have told our girls that they are getting one present each and then will have an amazing day planned for us.  We plan on getting them a couple of extra things for fun and as a good surprise, but they don't know that yet.  I recently asked both girls:

Me: "Emma, this year we are only doing one present each. If you have to pick ONE thing that you really want, what is it?"

Emma: "OOO an Ipad that plays games!"

Me: "Ummm, ok what's your second?"

Emma: "A cinderella dress."

Me: "What about you Rylee, what do you want?"

Rylee: "Lipstick, oh and Cheetos, I weelly like Cheetos."

I was entertained by their answers, but more shocked about how content they were with the one present.  Even Emma tonight said: "I cant wait to open my one gift!"  I don't remember many of the gifts I received as a child on Christmas but more of the fun times I had with my cousins, the hidden chocolates all over Grandma Roller's house, and laughing to the point of tears.  Thats what I want for my kids.  Our plan this Christmas is to simply enjoy each other.  We will play games, read scripture, sing songs, decorate christmas cookies, watch Elf, paint ornaments, and of course our gifts.  The girls are so excited about the crafts and cookie making.  I'm not saying you can't do all of this and have the fun part of Santa as well. My fear is that my kids will one day think they were not good enough that year to receive the present we most likely could not afford....like an iPad. ;)

Of course, I cant have a blog without quotes:

Rylee: "Dad, you wanna see my boobies?"

Macon: "RYLEE! Inappropriate" 

(Rylee laughs and rips open her onsie"

Macon: "RYLEE!! No ma'am (trying not to laugh). Where did you learn that?"

Rylee: "At church, in Sunday school."

We were running late one Sunday for church.  I was fixing Rylee's hair in the car and she ended up with this silly looking bun on her head. As we were getting out of the car I was teasing Rylee about her silly bun. Emma leans over and whispers to Macon "It looks like a big piece of poop on her head."

Eating dinner and Emma and Rylee were arguing with each other. Rylee made some random comment Emma did not like.

Emma replied: "YOUR LYING!!!"

I responded: "Emma! That is not nice, she's not lying."

Emma: "Well I don't know if she is ever telling the truth!!"

Me: "Thats not very nice either." 

Emma: "Well isn't that what you told me?! If I lie sometimes then you wont know when I am telling the truth?". 

I had no response. Subject change.

Emma kept singing "Heeeyyyy pretty lady....op op Oppan Gangnam style" (Macon told her they were saying pretty lady)

Me: "Emma I think they say some inappropriate things in that song."

Emma: "No they dont, besides you dont even know Chinese."


Sunday, October 7, 2012

Two week meal challenge

As most of you have seen, I have decided to do a two week meal challenge for myself.

Macon and I are what I like to call "Ballin on a Budget"....aka....were broke most of the time.  We live pay check to pay check and towards the ends of our two weeks, we are normally just making it by and I hate coming up with meals at that time.  I decided this time to plan and budget for two weeks out so we will not have any hick-ups or surprises.

The first thing you will need is time.  It took me about an hour to two to make my menu and grocery list.  Second, you will need caffeine, and third....good music (makes it easier to prepare when you have something fun to listen to).

Most of the recipes I chose for the next two weeks were from Pinterest (shocker).  When I originally started cooking my goal became how to cook good, healthy, and cheap.  We are normally not huge beef eaters, but these next few weeks menu consisted of a bit more then normal.  I am also trying two new recipes (which both happen to be my bagged crockpot meals).  What made me so excited about these two meals was that when you prepare them in advance, you prepare two of them.  So when I prepare for my next two weeks, I will already have two meals prepared in the freezer.   Our budget was about $200 for two weeks and then an extra $35ish set aside to restock on fruits/milks.  We are trying not to spend anymore then that and thankfully we dont eat out much, so it shouldn't be too hard.  The $200 includes all meals.  We typically do cereal, eggs, or oatmeal for breakfast.  Our lunches consist of sandwiches, tuna, and salads so that will all stay the same.  We do most of our shopping at Aldi (because we are cheap) and then Kroger for some other things like produce, brown rice, and seasons.  Ok...now to the menu for the next two weeks:

Starting tomorrow:
(10/8) Monday - Shrimp Tacos with black beans, chips, and homemade salsa.  I prepared the salsa on Sunday so it shouldn't take too long to make.  I have made these tacos before and am still making some adjustments to the cilantro sauce, but over all it is pretty good.  I changed the salsa recipe up a little but not much (like using fresh tomatoes over canned).  I also doubled this recipe so we could snack on it through out the week and it also tastes great on eggs. 
(http://cleananddelicious.com/2011/01/22/shrimp_tacos-2/) - tacos
(http://www.mountainmamacooks.com/2012/01/quick-and-easy-salsa/) - salsa
Tuesday & Wednesday - (thats right people, we eat left-overs) Savory Vegetable Beef Soup
I am not a huge vegetable soup person at all, but my husband loves it, so I figure I'll beef it up and add corn bread to it.  I also changed it up a LITTLE.  Like added a little corn, and so on. This happens to be one of the meals I made two of and prepared for it on Saturday.  All I will have to do is pull it out the night before then let it cook in the crock pot.  Badda Bing Badda Boom.
Thursday - Hamburgers and Sweet Potato Fries - One rule in our house is that Macon cooks at least one night a week to give me a break.  I let him pick whatever he wants (try not to complain about it) and he normally grills that night.  I happen to be off work on Thursday so I am gonna make a batch of pumpkin cupcakes with cream cheese icing (one of the few recipes I can call my own).
Friday & Saturday - Teriyaki Chicken served over Brown Rice.  Another bagged double crock pot recipe.  I have not tried this one just yet, and must say...its driving me crazy.  Forgot to buy teriyaki sauce then realized I grabbed crushed pineapple verses pineapple chuncks.  Also invested in the nicest looking teriyaki sauce jar Kroger had to offer.
Sunday & Monday - Roast with Potatoes, Carrots, and a Salad.  Also prepared and bagged in advance.  Who doesn't love a good roast.  The secret to a good roast is adding a package of Lipton Onion Beef Soup (dry package, not canned)
Tuesday & Wednesday - Spaghetti and a Salad.  My kids LOVE spaghetti.  Of course we choose the whole wheat noodles.
Thursday - Healthy Parmesan Chicken with Fresh Green Beans and Red Potatoes
This is Macon's favorite meal.  Always a good healthy hit in our house.
Friday & Saturday: Shrimp and Vegetable Stir Fry. 
This is another easy meal for me.  I buy the huge back of frozen stir fry vegetables, add shrimp, season, and serve over angel hair pasta or brown rice.

And there you have it.  I think it took me longer to type all this out then to actually prepare for it ;).

And...just for your entertainment.  Question of the week from my three year old:
"Mom, why cant we say holy cwap?"

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Happy Anniversary

It has been a REALLY long time since I have blogged.  I have fallen off a bit so I'll probably spend this blog updating about our anniversary and the next one with all the funny things the girls have said in the past few months (most of which were posted to Facebook).

We have officially made it six years.  At times it has been good and at times it has been bad.  We have had our ups and downs but we are here and happy to be here. Wouldn't trade it for the world.

This year I thought it would be fun to surprise Macon with a date.  Everyone (including myself) always expects the guys to do something, but hey, us women are just as much in this marriage.

We spent the night eating Mexican food, hanging out at our favorite Starbucks, and playing Scrabble.  (I kicked his butt).

Today is our actual anniversary and I worked all day and Macon and the girls had church.  The highlight of my day was when they dressed up as "delivery men" and surprised me with flowers.  When they walked in, I couldn't help but laugh.   At first I didn't even notice the girls because I couldn't stop staring at Macon's mustache and was wondering why the heck he would grow that out knowing I HATE it.  Once I saw the girls, I couldn't help but laugh.  Emma was immediately upset that I recognized her. She really was convinced that they had her fooled

"Bill" and "Ted" did make the cutest "delivery men" I've ever seen.  They even tried to talk in a deep voice the whole time.  Not to mention, the absolute prettiest flowers I've ever seen.

Beautiful huh?! 

Then after work/church Emma was convinced she had to make us a "romantic" dinner.  She creates a picnic in our reading room.  Candle, dim lights, and music.  She "makes" us gold fish, a banana, an orange, one graham cracker, and old stale carmel popcorn.  She was SO excited so we sat there and ate every bite.  It was very thoughtful, and gross.

A lot has happened in the past 6-8 months.  We moved to a crappy little rent house that we are enjoying, Emma starts school this month (NOOO), and Macon has started working at a church.  He has also started up back in flight school and I am working my life away.  God is good.

Here are a few quotes from the girls in the past few months:

Rylee and Emma laying in bed talking and giggling.  
Rylee: "Wanna know whats funny?  When I was a grown up..."
Emma interrupts: "Ryleeeee, you were never a grown up." 

Me: "Emma: Where do you wanna go for vacation?"
Emma: "Galveston, London, New York City, and then Italy.  Ohhh....and Australia, I almost forgot about Australia."

Me: "Emma, what are you thankful for from today?"
Emma: "The cool breeze blowing through my hair."
(What is she talking about?!)

and last...which I posted on Facebook.
Emma: "Mom, does this cereal have weed in it?"
Me: "What?!"
Emma: "Weed, in the cereal?"
Me: "Like weeds from outside."
Emma: "No, I heard this cereal has weed in it"
Me: "I'm not sure what your talking about." (started to get worried)
Emma : "The tv said it was full of weed"
Me: "Oh, wheat, its wheat Emma"

Annddd.....one last picture: