A litte bit of life

A litte bit of life

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The things my children say.

I have been home a lot more then normal lately. I took a little bit of time off of work (which ended up being sick most of the time) but I'm about to work eight days in a row starting tomorrow. Lord help me.

I've spent a lot of time in bed trying to feel better but loved spending time with my girls. They have drove me crazy, made me mad, made me want to kiss them all over, but most of all...made me laugh. This post will not have much of a story behind it, just silly things the girls have done lately.

This morning I fed Emma the rest of the Cheerios and she wanted more. I explained to her that we were all out.  She decided she would check the cabinets to find out what else she wanted to eat. After searching for a minute or so, she slams the door and says "THERE'S NOTHING GOOD TO EAT, WE ARE SO POOR!" Well we had PLENTY of food to eat, just nothing she wanted. Plus...this kid has no idea what poor is....I think it's time to teach her a lesson in what it really means to be "poor".

Also she is now saying she cant take bath's becauce it makes her sea sick. Ha!

Later that day we were sitting on the couch looking at pictures and one pops up of four sisters. I said to Emma: "Could you immagine having four sisters!!" Emma responds: "That would be great." I say: "Sorry but your not getting four sisters" She responds: "I'm going to pray for it! Dear Jesus, thank you for today, please give me four sisters one day, in Jesus name, Amen." I say: "Emma what if God tells you no?" She replays: "What if God tells me yes?". I thought....touche...and decided to drop it. Smart kid.

Later it is nap time. After I tell them to lay down they both come running in and laughing. I say "Are you going to obey mommy?" Rylee looks at me and says: "Nope!" and keeps running. Had to remind her who was boss.

I emailed myself the next few conversations/events. I cant remember if I have already blogged some of this so sorry if you are reading this twice:

Emma: "Dad, I wish my tounge, nose, and teeth were made out of fabric."
Macon: "What kind of fabric?"
Emma: "Vanilla"

Rylees new fav thing is that she "pooped" She will wait till we lay down for bed then scream "I did the poop!!"  We annoyingly get out of bed to check....and of course....no poop....she did this and it worked out three nights in a row.  On the fourth - we realized theres no point in checking.

Emma: "Mom, Rylee is not listening to you, she keeps closing her eyes every time you call her name."
Me: "How about you smack her in the face"
Emma gets excited and responds: "OK!!"
Me: "Emma you know I'm kidding, you never smack your sister"
Emma: "But I REALLY want to"
MACON: "Emma, your not going to smack your sister"
Emma: "I'm just trying to obey mom."

Emma reminds Macon (or me...cant remember who she said this to)
"Remember, you made a promise to God not to marry other people"

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