A litte bit of life

A litte bit of life

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Well....apparently I'm not the best at keeping up with my blog....but it's time for a few updates.

The girls have been pretty entertaining lately....here are a few examples:

We went to Oklahoma this past weekend to visit family and go the Jeremy Martin Memorial Frisbee Golf Tournament.  Do I know anything about frisbee golf...nope...but the memorial is in honor of my cousin who passed away about five years ago.  I miss him and his mom (my aunt) so so much.  It was a lot of fun getting away for the weekend and spending time with family.

We stayed with my Aunt Jetta and Uncle Lee.  They have a beautiful house, the food is always good, and you just feel loved while you are there.  We LOVE going to see them.  I feel at home when I'm with them.  On one of the days while we were there I realized the afternoon was getting pretty late and it was past Rylee's nap time.  I yell at her to come down stairs and grab me a diaper.  She giggles and walks away.  About fifteen minutes later I realize she has still not brought me a diaper.  I yell at Macon and ask if he has seen Rylee and he says no.  I kind of start to get nervous and begin yelling for her.  Macon and my brother in law Philip also start looking for her as well and we all begin to scream her name and frantically look around.  Finally Macon comes down stairs and yells at me to go check their swimming pool (back track, Rylee had a major drowning scare not to long ago where Macon had to perform CPR and we spent the night in the hospital, it was VERY scary)  I begin to panic, run out to the pool and start searching.  Thankfully she was not there.  I go back inside and start searching all the rooms. I go into the room we were sleeping in, open the closet door and there she was hiding her head under-neath a towel giggling.  We about had a heart-attack while she thought she pulled off the best hiding place ever.  

On the way home from Oklahoma, Macon and I were having a hard time staying awake.  We decide to make a quick Starbucks stop.  We pull up to the drive-thru window and Macon orders me a Pumpkin Spice Latte. As soon as he finishes ordering, Rylee pops her head out the window and yells in the cutest/meaning two year old voice "GIVE ME A LATTE".  We laugh and roll up her window.  Then Emma responds..."oh, and get me a latte and make in non-fat".  Macon replies: "I'm not getting you a latte"  Emma then says "But I need a Latte or I will be DOOMED!!"  Well we are pretty sure our coffee addiction will be one thing that both of our girls inherit.

Emma did have show and tell last week.  I had a great idea to take her picture in front of one of her Dad's work airplanes and take that to school.  I knew all the kids would think she was cool with a picture in front of an airplane.  I take one, edit it, print it off, and buy a nice frame for it.  I was really excited to show it to her and for her to see it in the cool frame.  I decided to give it to her the night before show and tell and couldn't wait to see her expression.  I hand it to her, she looks at it and says: "that's cool, but I would rather take that sea-shell"  I explained about how much cooler an airplane was the a sea-shell but she was not buying it.  The stupid shell was way cooler in her eyes.  She ended up taking both to show and tell.  Hey, you win some you lose some.  Oh well. I'm glad she has her own opinion....cool or not.  

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