A litte bit of life

A litte bit of life

Sunday, August 14, 2011

"he refreshes my soul "

This morning I write feeling refreshed and just flat out filled with joy (which is such much deeper then happiness).  We recently found out that their was a guy that Macon and I went to college with who found out he had a large cancerous brain tumor.  We heard about it through facebook and began to pray for him and his wife (along with many other people).  This week he went to the doctor to schedule his surgery and in his most recent MRI, his tumor was completely gone! How cool is that!?  It so awesome how God still performs miracles today and heals....not only emotionally (like me) but physically (like JD).  Just brings so much joy to my heart to know The Lord answers prayers.  So thankful to serve a God who cares. 

Back to our family... 

The girls did get in a VERY entertaining fight this week.  Emma has about "ten" imaginary kids.  She will walk around the house and say things like "come on kids, its time to clean our room".  Well  Rylee thought it would be funny to take her kids (yes imaginary) so she runs over acts like she is grabs something out of the air and in her little sweet (yet mean) voice and yells "I've got yo kids" (she is still learning to talk some).  Well Emma freaks! "GIVE ME BACK MY KIDS!!" So she runs over and acts like she takes them back. Now Rylee freaks out and responds "NO MINE!" and then once again, acts like she snatches them back up....they eventually get in a hitting fight about who has the "kids'.  It was hard to break it up because it was sooo oddly entertaining. HA

We did have a rough morning before church with Emma.  She is in this odd stage of throwing annoying little screaming fits.  She is currently grounded from dresses (which is like killing a puppy to her).  She cried about it all morning.  After breakfast she had finally calmed down.  We told her to take her dishes to the sink and she replied "I'm not in the mood"....she ended up obeying anyways.

Now for Macon and I....

Macon and I took our first tennis lessons last night. Our good friend Jordan is a tennis coach and is teaching us....because he is cool...but.... it was sooo much fun. Yes, I am sore, mostly because I'm out of shape, but excited to start something Macon and I can do together. The girls had a blast too. Rylee mostly ate ice out of the ice bend and Emma ran around thinking she was playing, but mostly just picking up the balls. ha.

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