A litte bit of life

A litte bit of life

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Tickle Me Emma....

Macon went out of town for a few days this week so it was just me and the little ladies.  We were sitting around the table and Emma says "Mommy, why don't you tickle me as much as Daddy?" I asked "What do you mean?" she responds: "Like play with us much and laugh?"....well lets just say I felt like a pretty terrible mother at that point.  I do realize Macon has the energy of a five year old....and does things I would NEVER do with the girls.  For example: a couple of days ago for play time, he put bike helmets on them and chased them around beating them on the heads with wooden spoons.  They loved it, but I would never "play" like that. 

I had to remind myself that our roles are just different.  I am more of a nurturer and would prefer to cuddle with them, or read stories, and Macon is the wild and playful one. 

It did make me realize that I needed to make more time to "tickle", so that's what I am doing.  After nap today instead of cuddling, we cuddled and tickled.  We played a lot more today.  It also helped me realize at the end of the day the girls don't care about bills, debt, or stress....they just like to be tickled. 

On another note...our kids are still cracking us up. 

At dinner Emma was telling her dad about why she was grounded.  She explained "Mommy wouldn't let me watch another movie, so instead of sitting in my room quietly, I just laid in my bed and screamed BLOODY MURDER!"

Rylee scratched Emma and made her bleed some, she told her dad "Rylee scratched the bloodiness out of me!"

and....even as I am typing this....Rylee is looking in a mirror flipping her eye lids out and laughing at herself. 

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